середа, 29 квітня 2015 р.

A letter to the freshers

Dear first year students!
Welcome to the beginning of the year in Ostroh Academy. It is a common knowledge that when you are getting a diploma on RGL is definitely not as easy as ABC. Now as a student who has almost done with the Modern English course, I’d like to give you some pieces of advice before you take this course. And I hope they will help you to make a good progress.
Firstly, bear in mind, you have to attend all your classes if you want to make a good progress and gain excellent marks. It is not as easy as ABC to be a straight A student but don’t lose your temper and hit the roof. I honestly think that in time you will be the top of the class.
Secondly, needless to say, that you learn for yourself, not for teachers. Most of you think that the marks are the most prolific thing. But I want to tell you that the most important is the knowledge. When you would have your nose in books and crack a book always when you have spare time you would be highly intelligent.

Finally, learn everything by heart, even if you don’t have mental agility or natural talent. In order to have good marks and brilliant knowledge, you should have passion for learning and take this course seriously.

News travels fast

Hi everybody! 
As I promise to keep you informed with the latest news and now when headlines about my trip to Ukraine have attracted your attention, I want to say that it is not rumors, because I did decide to visit some cities of Ukraine. I try to keep the intrigue a little bit before leaking it to the press, but when you know that is true I'd like to run a story about my visit to a wonderful place - Ostroh academy.
When I just came I was met by the rector of Ostroh Academy and he showed me a well – equipped audience, a library, a museum and the most beautiful part of Ostroh Academy – WC. Then I had a meeting with students. Needless to say, I won’t be economical with truth saying that there a lot of straight A student who had mental agility and natural talent to study. All students were very polite, they asked me a lot of questions, about new films, about my career and about my private life, but I consider that my private life has to stay behind the scenes.
All in all, now I am really understand why University always in a public eye. I’ve missed some interesting things that happened to me here. What is more, I hope to visit you once more time in the future.


I am fond of history. From the very childhood I was interested in historical events and figures. There is a grain of truth in our history and this grain should be studied. I would like to tell you about a person who changed the course of England’s history - Margaret Thatcher. This woman made a huge deal in English history and life. She was the first female prime minister of Britain, Margaret Thatcher was a controversial figurehead of conservative ideology during her time in office.
Her work compassed many spheres. She made a vast input in the development of the economy and politics . Margaret kept Great Britain in the ascendant through a great deal of challenges, and political and religious turmoil. She showed her talents as a diplomat.  She was an advocate of privatizing state-owned industries and utilities, reforming trade unions, lowering taxes and reducing social expenditure across the board. Thatcher's policies succeeded in reducing inflation, but unemployment dramatically increased during her years in power.
Over time, she cultivated her image as a politician married to her job and her people. For this dedication Margaret Thatcher earned the nickname, the "Iron Lady." 


One day, a young guy and a young girl fell in love
But the guy came from a poor family. The girl’s parents weren’t too happy. The girl had a ginger hair, chubby chicks, blue eyes, unturned nose and full lips.  She also had a lovely complexion and was always immaculately groomed. She was gregarious, easy-going and reliable personality. The boy was well built, round faced, well – dressed. He was always smart and intelligent. Moreover, he had a razor – sharp mind.
So the young man decided not only to court the girl but to court her parents as well. In time, the parents saw that he was a good man and was worthy of their daughter’s hand. He was crazy about her; he thought she was his type. After few months, they decided to get married. Maybe it was a snap decision. They loved each other unconditionally. She had a heart of gold and striking appearance but despite of these facts something went wrong. There was no mutual respect between them, they started to quarrel too often. And the object of their quarrels was money. They lived in tight budget and couldn’t afford a lot of things. But their relations became a pain in the neck. He decided to keep contact with his friends and a new one girl, and she became the object of somebody’s love.  After a couple of months, they broke up. Everybody found their own way in life and achieved all planned goals.

A greener world

To my mind, if you are the citizen of Ukraine, you must take care of your own motherland.  I reckon, Ukraine is a very thriving country,  but unfortunately there is a list of problems with our environment. But, when in Ukraine we hear about drought, earthquake, flood, tsunami, typhoons or volcanic eruption on the other side of the world, we think that it’s not our deal and everything is okay in our country, unfortunately, its wrong thoughts. It’s absolutely vital that we have to do something in order to avoid environmental catastrophe
Firstly, the government should assist in creating more natural reserves in order to conserve the endangered species or to preserve natural habitats of wild animals and don’t let them die out. Although, government has to influence factories which throw harmful chemicals or people who cut down trees.
Secondly, our vehicles have a harmful emission. Every time when we  burn gasoline, oil, coal or even natural gas a lot of carbon dioxide is added to our atmosphere and destroying our ozone layer that lead to irreversible climate change. As a result, the temperatures soar above the average and we have well-known greenhouse effect (global warming). So, we need to use alternative energy sources, such as solar power, wind power.
And last but not least, planting new trees is good for air, land, but cutting down trees can cause an extinction of endangered species of birds. Moreover, bear in mind, that deforestation upsets the oxygen balance what lead to air pollution.

On the move

Dear Victoria,
I don`t know if you still remember me, my name is Frederica Weiss, a girl from Austria-Hungary. Now I try to remind the time of our childhood. I want to tell you all my story of immigration.

It was really hard to stay at Budapest, because the war was declared when I was 12. My family has to flee from the ruined life in our native country and get away from Vienna in order not to be discriminated. We are not refugees, but my father decided to seek refuge in America. In addition, America is perfect choice for emigrants, according to the stereotype there a lot of stunning, thriving and vibrant cities and architecture remarkably diverse from our.

To start with, when we just came, we felt culture shock but I tried to get positive out of every situation and we have successfully integrated in our new lifestyle. What is more, there were no animosity towards us; we lived at peace with each other. On the other hand, sometimes I felt nostalgia for our big house, cobbled streets and my native town and strong desire to go back, but I take my time and very soon I get acclimatized to a new country and new friends. Moreover, the childhood that I have been spending with you were the best one.  

To conclusion, if you read this letter, know that I am very grateful to you for your help. I was glad to write you and I am look forward for your answer. You are my friend forever.


Education matters

Education is an important part of our life and today’s education gives us all important knowledge. I watched two suggested videos and bumped into interesting thoughts about education. Sugata Mitra tells that schools used to produce people that would be a part of burocratik machine. Nowadays education looks like machine which creates people of system and its a common knowledge that the educational system hasn’t changed for many years. So, I want to tell you about some changes which I would do.
The first, teachers should stimulate and try to encourage children to make new progresses and make them thirst for knowledge. Students should understand the aims of lessons which they attend day by day and spend their time for learning something important. For example, like a gifted children people who had mental agility and natural talent in order to get good marks must have their nose in a book, cram and burn the midnight oil all time.
Although, it is a widespread belief that students should only learn everything by heart. What is really important and as easy as ABC to remember that all of us need more practice to improve our skills. Experience comes with practice too and undoubtedly, practice makes perfect. You can ask someone who achieved success in some sphere of life, and anyone will tell you that it takes years of practice.

To sum up, I honestly think that in the future our education will be better than now. And self – education will play as important role as study in the university. Moreover, I hope that education will stop making people identical to each other.